Tyler Crabb

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"One Night In March" See Photos >


My work is centered around documenting the human experience and exploring the deeper meanings of our existence.

There are so many aspects of life that are difficult to express and understand—our minds, our subconscious, our emotions, our relationships and so much more. When I paint, I try to create an open space that allows these things to show themselves in different ways. I do so by implementing a spontaneous, uncontrived approach, starting with a vague intention and allowing the piece to grow and evolve as times goes on. My technique involves a variety of paint application methods and motions, which helps add an uninhibited quality to the process.

I believe that abstract art can be powerful because it can speak to people through their own minds and imagination. I don’t want each piece to send a specific message, but rather to serve as a window through which viewers can see themselves.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my work. I hope you're able to find something here that inspires you.


For purchases, comments or questions, send me an email at ty@tycrabb.com
